The impacts to which we aspire as a university testify to our ambition to be what the world needs.

2025 Aspiration


The world needs a university in which Indigenous concepts, methodologies, pedagogies, languages, and philosophies are respectfully woven into the tapestry of learning, research, scholarship, creativity, and community engagement.

2025 Aspiration


The world needs a university in which research and innovation are inspired by and accountable to community partners.

2025 Aspiration


The world needs a university resolutely committed to measuring its own success in terms of the aspirations of the communities it serves.

2025 Aspiration


The world needs a university whose graduates have the drive, the curiosity, and the humility to work with others in addressing the greatest challenges and opportunities the world faces.

2025 Aspiration


The world needs a university that sets the standard in learning, research, scholarship, creativity, and community engagement.

To be what the world needs is a bold ambition. It will require us to remain firmly focused on our three commitments: Courageous Curiosity, Boundless Collaboration, Inspired Communities. It will require us to converge around the twelve goals, steered by the guideposts we have established to mark our path. And it will require us to be very disciplined about tracking our progress against the five areas of impact to which we aspire: Transformative Decolonization Leading to Reconciliation, Productive Collaboration, Meaningful Impact, Distinguished Learners, Global Recognition.

We believe that the University of Saskatchewan has much to offer its communities, and through this plan, we are dedicated to delivering on our promise. The plan requires movement, new ideas, growth and change. It commits us to communicate and celebrate our successes, and ensures that our diverse community will seek solutions with the bold creativity that has long characterized the University of Saskatchewan. 

Through this plan, we will be the university we must be for the future—what the world needs.